Corporate governance rating
Corporate governance rating is an IBI-Rating’s evaluation of an existing system of a company’s corporate governance in terms of its compliance with the generally accepted principles that underpin the effective corporate governance framework.
Advisability of having a credit rating
Available corporate governance rating allows the Customer to provide the management, owners and other interested parties with an independent opinion on the state of corporate governance as well as with recommendations for its improvement.
Corporate governance rating is determined according to the Procedure of rating and Methodology of determining of corporate governance rating, developed by IBI-Rating, by the Rating scale of corporate governance. Analytical group, guided by the above-listed documents, conducts a full-scale reserch of individual components of the management system, such as: an ownership structure, rights of owners and other interested parties, management and control mechanisms, a level of the information disclosure, audit, etc., on the basis of the research findings a rating report is produced, and the key factors affecting the grade of corporate governance rating are determined.
Rating product
A rating report is the main document, which is submitted to the members of the Rating Committee (a collegial body) for consideration and decision-making on the determination of the corporate governance rating. Further, the Rating report and the Rating Committee’s decision are submitted to the Customer.
Rating follow-up / Rating surveillance
Aiming at ensuring the relevance of the corporate governance rating, IBI-Rating begins a procedure of monitoring of the Customer’s activities from the day following the determination of the corporate governance rating, periodically updating the results of the previously assigned rating. A scheduled rating review takes place on an annual basis. Such a monitoring procedure allows the management, owners and other interested parties to monitor the quality of corporate governance.
Advisability of having a credit rating
Available corporate governance rating allows the Customer to provide the management, owners and other interested parties with an independent opinion on the state of corporate governance as well as with recommendations for its improvement.
Corporate governance rating is determined according to the Procedure of rating and Methodology of determining of corporate governance rating, developed by IBI-Rating, by the Rating scale of corporate governance. Analytical group, guided by the above-listed documents, conducts a full-scale reserch of individual components of the management system, such as: an ownership structure, rights of owners and other interested parties, management and control mechanisms, a level of the information disclosure, audit, etc., on the basis of the research findings a rating report is produced, and the key factors affecting the grade of corporate governance rating are determined.
Rating product
A rating report is the main document, which is submitted to the members of the Rating Committee (a collegial body) for consideration and decision-making on the determination of the corporate governance rating. Further, the Rating report and the Rating Committee’s decision are submitted to the Customer.
Rating follow-up / Rating surveillance
Aiming at ensuring the relevance of the corporate governance rating, IBI-Rating begins a procedure of monitoring of the Customer’s activities from the day following the determination of the corporate governance rating, periodically updating the results of the previously assigned rating. A scheduled rating review takes place on an annual basis. Such a monitoring procedure allows the management, owners and other interested parties to monitor the quality of corporate governance.