Oleksandr Kalashnikov was included in the pool of experts to determine the bank's stability rating according to the «Minfin» portal
«Minfin» has compiled the bank's stability rating for the Q3 of 2021. One of the indicators on the basis of which the rating is formed is the assessment of banks by financial analysts. On behalf of the IBI-Rating Agency, Oleksandr Kalashnikov Finance director joined the rating determination. According to the research, the top five places are still held by banks with foreign capital. The leader is still the «Austrian» Raiffeisen Bank. Find out about the places in the rating taken by 37 financial institutions by the link https://minfin.com.ua/2021/11/18/75532223/
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Press office of IBI-Rating
(044) 362-90-84
For additional information please contact:
Press office of IBI-Rating
(044) 362-90-84