Oleksandr Kalashnikov took part in determining of the banks stability rating under the version of the portal «Minfin»
«Minfin» has prepared the banks stability rating for the 1st quarter of 2019. One of the indicators on the basis of which the rating is formed is the judgment of banks by financial analysts. On behalf of the IBI-Rating Agency, Oleksandr Kalashnikov, Director of the finance department joined the rating determination. In general, in the first quarter financial institutions continued to increase profits and set a new record. In January-March, solvent banks received a total of UAH 12.9 billion of net profit. This is one and a half times more than in the same period of the previous year. As of April 1, out of 77 financial institutions 69 were in positive territory. Read more about how the third quarter changed the gradation of the largest banks in Ukraine, by the link: https://minfin.com.ua/2019/05/21/37811405/.
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