Rating scale of investment attractiveness

Exceptional investment attractiveness
The object of rating with an invAAA rating is characterized by the exceptional investment attractiveness as compared to other objects of rating given an almost complete absence of investment-related risks.
Excellent investment attractiveness
The object of rating with an invAA rating is characterized by the excellent investment attractiveness as compared to other objects of rating. There is a certain susceptibility to the impact of investment risks.
High investment attractiveness
The object of rating with an invA rating is characterized by the high investment attractiveness as compared to other objects of rating. It is susceptible to investment risks.
Sufficient investment attractiveness
The object of rating with an invBBB rating is characterized by the sufficient investment attractiveness as compared to other objects of rating. There is a dependence on the impact of investment risks.
Moderate investment attractiveness
The object of rating with an invBB rating is characterized by the lower than sufficient investment attractiveness, as compared to other objects of rating. Certain problems are likely to arrise because of the susceptibility to the impact of investment risks.
Insufficient investment attractiveness
The object of rating with an invB rating is characterized by the insufficient investment attractiveness as compared to other objects of rating. Problems are likely to arrise due to the significant susceptibility to the impact of investment risks.
Low investment attractiveness
The object of rating with an invCCC rating is characterized by the low investment attractiveness as compared to other objects of rating. The object is inherent in significant investment risk
Very low investment attractiveness
The object of rating with an invCC rating is characterized by the very low investment attractiveness as compared to other objects of rating. The object is inherent in high investment risk.
Ultra low investment attractiveness
The object of rating with an invC rating is characterized by the ultra low investment attractiveness as compared to other objects of rating. The object is inherent in extreme investment risk.

Additional ratings of investment attractiveness of business projects

Sufficient investment attractiveness
The investment attractiveness rating of an invBBB grade can also be inherent in business projects with minimum investment risks with regard to their implementation but their investment prospects are moderate, or a project has a high investment risk though its investment prospects are significant.
Moderate investment attractiveness
The investment attractiveness rating of an invВВ grade can also be inherent in business projects with moderate investment risks with regard to their implementation but their investment prospects aren’t high, or a project is inherent in a high investment risk though its investment prospects are excellent.
Insufficient investment attractiveness
The investment attractiveness rating of an invВ grade may also be inherent in business projects with moderate investment risks with regard to their implementation but their investment prospects are low, or a project is inherent in an ultrahigh investment risk though its investment prospects are significant.


Ratings, which are determined by the Rating scale of investment attractiveness.
In case of the use of the Rating scale of investment attractiveness, such additional marks can be used:
«-» or «+»
These are intermediary categories relative to the main categories. They are not used with an invAAА rating.
Ratings, which are determined solely on the basis of the information generally available to the public.
A rating, which has been withdrawn, due to the fact that the company does not provide the information required to update the rating or for other reasons.
A rating, which may be withdrawn (as an intermediate stage prior to its possible withdrawal) due to the fact that the company does not provide the information required to update the rating or for other reasons.