Oleksandr Kalashnikov has told about what awaits banks and their clients in 2021

2020 has become simultaneously one of the most successful and unsuccessful years in recent years. Successful - because of the coronavirus crisis, a bank insufficiency similar to the one that Ukraine experienced six years ago did not begin. And unsuccessful - due to a decrease in the profitability of the system, an increase in loan defaults and new problems for development in the future. Find out more about how the Ukrainian banking system will live in 2021 in the comments of Oleksandr Kalashnikov, Finance Director of the IBI-Rating agency for the «Minfin» portal. Read the full text of the article by the link: https://minfin.com.ua/ua/credits/articles/chto-zhdet-banki-i-ih-klientov-v-2021-godu/

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