Rating scale of construction reliability

Exceptional reliability
The object of construction is characterized by exceptional reliability, due to its being implemented ahead of the declared construction schedule, there are no delays in its financing and there is an irrefutable guarantee of financial support. The Developer and the General contractor have significant experience of successful implementation of construction projects..
Excellent reliability
The object of construction is characterized by excellent reliability, due to its compliance with the declared construction schedule and there are no delays in its financing. The Developer and / or the General contractor have significant experience of successful implementation of construction projects. Risks of default on obligations on a construction project are minimal..
High reliability
The object of construction is characterized by high reliability, due to its compliance with the construction schedule and there are almost no delays in its financing. The Developer and / or the General contractor have experience of successful implementation of construction projects. Risks of default on obligations on a construction project are low..
Moderate reliability
The object of construction is characterized by moderate reliability, due to minor deviations from the construction schedule and minor delays in its financing. The Developer and / or the General contractor have experience in implementation of construction projects. Risks of default on obligations on a construction project are moderate..
Low reliability

The object of construction is characterized by low reliability, due to deviations from the construction schedule and delays in its financing. Risks of default on obligations on a construction project are considerable..
Ultralow reliability
The construction is implemented with significant deviations from the construction schedule or stopped. Project financing is irregular or absent, commissioning of an object is postponed for an indefinite term..


In the case of using the Rating scale of construction reliability such additional designations may be used:

«-» or «+»
These are intermediary categories of rating as compared to the main categories. They are not used with rating 6 and rating 1.
Ratings, which are determined solely on the basis of information generally available to the public.
suspended or withdrawn
The rating is suspended (withdrawn) due to fact that the customer does not provide the information required to update the rating, a contractual relationship is suspended for certain reasons..